01 August 2014

Really liking the Trews this week

Pt 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_m98GAdqKM&feature=youtu.be

Pt 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v5WlY8Uf5U&feature=youtu.be

Really enjoying Russell Brand calling out Hannity. Also, he was married to Katy Perry? Weird. I wish more people called out Fox for turning war into entertainment. Jon Stewart I guess.


Julie G said...

I saw that Brand video yesterday. He quite eloquently and systematically brings down Hannity. I think most of the population knows Hannity is a joke, I hope. But really what else do you expect when the person at your office you most aspire to be like is Bill O'Reilly. I can't decide if the two of them are masters of propaganda, or they they just have Murdoch's hand so far up their asses they don't even realize what they are saying.

Jackie said...

LOL I don't know either. Like when Russell says "Do you really mean these things, or do you go home every night and look in the mirror and think 'i just said all these horrible things!' "