05 August 2014

Healthy food?

My mum made a turkey chilli one time. It was good. I donno what she did but I made this:

1 lb-ish of turkey. Butcher had ground turkey breast and thigh, so I got half of each; only since thigh is cheaper obv.

1 half an onion. Chopped.

>Cooked onion in olive oil, added turkey and more olive oil as needed. Cooked turkey. Added salt and peppah. Added:

1 cup of water

2 cans of beans. I had 1 can of black beans and 1 can of great northern beans on my shelf, so I dumped out the water, rinsed and used those.

1 big can of diced tomatoes.

The frozen corn that was left in my freezer. Probably about a cup or so.

1 tbsp of tumeric. It's good for you.

1 tsp of cinnammon. It's good for you.

1 tbsp chilli powder. This is chilli.

1 tbsp cayenne pepper

2 big long giant squeezes of sriracha. I put this in at the end. It needed more spice. Needed more salt, too.

Once it was boiling I turned the burner to low and left it for an hour stirring when I remembered it.

Turned out really yummy. Fed me and chris and had three ziploc tupperwares of leftovers. It's a bit watery though, maybe skip the water part? Or add rice to it. Oh you could add rice and make it into burritos. That would be great. Nom Nom.

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