29 July 2014

Looong week!

But tomorrow is my friday! I can't wait.

My goal these days is to be a better person, namely to put myself into other peoples' shoes more. I always catch myself being short with people who are short with me, for example, but that doesn't accomplish anything. A little more effort on my part to be cheerful will not only improve my general mood and outlook, but the people I interact with as well. It's pretty hard, actually. When you're tired and cranky and serving people all day and someone comes in 5 minutes to close and asks for a drink and I sometimes catch myself being a little impolite. It's not their fault they're mean and come in when they know I'm closing. They've had a long day too and just want to treat themselves a little, and I need to be friendly no matter what time of day it is. When I order my food and someone messes it up completely by putting cilantro in it, I need to understand that some people actually like that crap and not be shocked, but just take it in stride. I guess it's just hard sometimes when you interact with 300 people in a 8.5 hour shift 4-5 days a week to be nice to everybody you encounter in your life. But that's not an excuse to not be nice to everybody I encounter. I know I never will be. Never have I met anyone who is friendly all the time. But I want to try harder to be. I want to look back at the end of each day and say to myself, "I did my best, and I was at my best." That way no matter where I end up in life, I can feel fulfilled.

My back is KILLING me lately. I also need to make sure I'm lifting things properly and strain it less. I'm getting to that age where you can't abuse your body anymore without feeling it later. A sore back today means throwing out completely 5 years from now, so I have to be careful with myself. On my self improvement phase, I am also exercising more (might be part of the soreness as well). I find that when you work out more you have more energy and are generally in a better mood, so to improve my mind I am striving to improve my body as well. It is a pain in my asshole. Exercise is my kryptonite. Hopefully I will be better though!


Julie G said...

I wish I had the same dedication to being a better me. But it's so tough, and I'm tired.

Jackie said...

I know. I always have so much more energy if I'm exercising and eating well though, so I fight with myself a lot, like "DO IT NOW, YOU IDIOT, OR YOU'LL JUST BE TIRED AND SLUGGISH AND DEPRESSED ALL WEEK!" Plus I know Kyle's still boxing like 5 days/week and I can't let him beat me.