17 August 2013


oOOOOh so busy! Getting a new job at the Hyatt hotel, hostessing. Quitting the book store. Having to get my "food safe bc" certificate(...why?! hostesses don't touch food!) for $110. lots of course programs to go through for that. Also, I'll be back to school in January for archaeology. Going to Langara college. Seems to be a thing in BC you can do college and then transfer to Uni before you graduate...courses are transferable here. I asked the guy at SFU "So why does anyone go to your school for the first two years of a degree then? If they can go to college and pay half the money and get much better grades?" and he says "Prestige. That's it." and I said "Ah!"

So anyway I got a sandwich at starbucks and it was all rice. And my phone wasn't working properly so I complained to Vonage who said they fixed it so I called my parents to test my phone and ended up complaining about my sandwich.

Miss everyone at home.

Miss my doggy. I always wish I would have recorded her sleeping. She was so peaceful in her sleep she had such nice deep breaths and mild snore. everyone always got sleepy listening to her. I thought it would be a great thing to cure insomnia. We have a stuffed sheep for sale at the bookstore that's called a sleep sheep and it plays waves and rain sounds, but not as good as sleeping dog.

My thought order makes no sense today and I'm too tired to organize my head better! Study! Heat food to 60 degrees to kill bacteria!

Oh but my phone works!

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