27 August 2013

Found the Rogue One

Found the rogue spider that escaped me when I came home from work last night. He was just chillen on my wall. So I killed him. That might be bad karma for me. I hope not. I left my windows open all night for him to escape and he didn't do it. These are the thoughts that possess me. I think they're out to get me. Chris exploded one with his lighter the other day (boys.), but it came back to life and attacked my foot. So I killed him proper. Now they are seeking revenge by setting their biggest and baddest after me. Also, it's been raining every day. Coincidence?

I think I ought to go to the dentist. The BC water makes me grow lots of plaques. Also, I don't floss. Always thought it took too long. But My teeth are plaquey (could be a real word if we used it enough) and getting sensitive so somethings gotta give--I can come up with the money and visit the overpriced cleaning lady I mean dental technician, or I can start flossing regularly. My new job has benefits but the health plan doesn't kick in until I pass the three month probation, and dental is after 7 months. Odd number. I don't get it.

Yesterday was my first shift alone, and today will be my second shift alone. Then I work Sat and Sun at 615 AM-245PM. I can't remember if I mentioned that. It's kind of a big deal. I hate having my schedule effed with. I don't know if it's temporary so I can experience the busy chaos of a hotel breakfast, or if they will regularly be flitting me back and fort. I suppose we will wait and see. Although not very far in advance what with the one-week-at-a-time scheduling. I need to learn the hotel better. It's taking me too long walking back and forth to the locker room and up to the restaurant. I'm afraid of taking the passages though in case I get lost and end up late to work lol. I'll figure it out eventually. I just don't like hanging around before and after work so I'm not leaving myself much exploring time. It's just--oops gotta run and catch my bus!Anyway I'm obviously procrastinating again, so off I go.

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