26 August 2013

Busy Bee

UUUUUgh so busy these days. Put my GMO-free Organic lifestyle on hold this week for pop tarts and danishes. The danishes I got suck. What a waste. Also missed don jitsu all week long since I haven't had any days off for it. Soooo getting tubby :p

Finished my career at Indigo and started hostessing at the Hyatt. So far I don't like it much. But the pay is good and will get me through school when I start in January. Getting nervous about back to school as well, even though I'm starting the first year in college and it will be easy. Most likely once I transfer to uni it will still be easy (everything will seem a breeze after U of T) but you know how I worry about EVERYTHING. Anyway so I'm a hostess now. Gotta learn the menu and the wine list and all that jazz, even though most of it will be meaningless to me (seeing as how I hate seafood and hate wine...guess I'll be recommending the Australian lamb) (I hear NZ lamb is better but the head chef is an Aussie so...). This week I'm working 3-1030 and 330-11, but next weekend will be 615-245. Gross! I hope the busses are running by then.

Meanwhile, I'm also trying to get my Foodsafe BC crap done. Leaning modules and whatnot so I can take the test next week. Not sure what it will be like. A girl I worked with at Indigo said she took it but it was online and multiple choice. Now I have to go and meet somebody who watches me take the test. Ridiculous. I suppose they want to be sure it's me taking the test and I'm not having someone else write it for me. Or maybe they don't want me cheating. Either way it's quite silly, in my opinion. Giant pain in the butt.

So my first shift at the Hyatt was Saturday. It was horrible. I'm already exhausted from working a whole week without a day off (I had Tuesday off Indigo and Hyatt had me come in for orientation, then I had Wednesday off but I ran around all day looking for black pants and then cleaned the kitchen and bathroom=not considered a day off). Then I got a massive headache and turned into a migraine and I started feeling nauseous. It was far too hot in the hotel for me to be wearing a full suit and jacket but that's the uniform, so the heat made me feel sicker. And then obviously I was trying to learn everything but having trouble paying attention; and I needed to be happy and all that but just wanted to throw up on somebody's shoes. It was like being hung over but without the fun night of drinking first.

Then yesterday, Sunday, was a little better. I wasn't feeling as bad, just tired and a little headachy, so I managed to get my act together a little bit and learn some more. Today and tomorrow night I'm on my own and have no more training, so hopefully I'll figure out how to make everything go smoothly.

Woke up at 2am for some reason and my room was full of spiders. Six giant daddy longlegs. That's pretty full to me. Usually I see one spider and give it the "This room 'aint big enough for the both of us" speech. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Five giant spiders and a tiny one. So I smooshed them all against the wall with my trusty slipper except one of the giant ones who was on this weird angle that I couldn't smoosh him properly at without him most likely escaping unscathed. So I hoped he'd still be there in the morning and I could figure something out but, alas, he has gone missing in action. I am proud of myself for being able to fall asleep with a spider beside my bed. Obviously I pulled the pillows up so nothing was touching the wall. He has to work to come eat me.

Now I have spider guts all over my walls to clean up. Maybe I should leave it as a warning.

I guess this is long enough, I should get to work and do the next unit for the food safe crap. Peace, dogs.


Julie G said...

Yaaay new job and upcoming schooling, I hope it all works out. U of T will prepare you for anything. What? You know my name? I'm not just a number? T_T

I remember this one giant giant spider I had in my bathroom and I thought about your previous slipper story. So I wrapped my slipper with a paper towel and went to town. It was like a recreation of the printer scene from Office Space. I left that smudge on the wall as a warning to all future spiders. Stay the eff out. But also, daddy long legs are sooo cuuuuute. What's wrong with you.

Jackie said...

they are not cute! the vancouver ones are giant! their bodies are too big!