28 August 2013

It's the Weekend!

After the back to back of working all the time, I finally have three glorious days off! Squandered most of it going to the library (got the wrong book--book two in a series not bk 1. damn. Reading it anyway hopefully it will still make sense because i'm too lazy to go back), sitting in a cafe drinking hot chocolate, coming home and trying to nap for a couple of hours which didn't work even though I'm really tired, layed around, read some more graphic novels (fables series, which is awesome), and now doing laundry (in my new portable washing mashine woot!). I SHOULD be cleaning the house, grocery shopping, doing the foodsafe work, sewing my patch onto my karate uniform (Gi i think it's called), studying the menu for work, and all the other important stuff. Three days is lovely but does go fast if I'm not careful.

Got to do a food tasting for work yesterday. That was nice. Most of the food there is actually really good, I was impressed. I forgot my notebook and favourite pen in the drawer though, I hope nobody jacks it. My pockets are too small to carry things without them sticking out so I had to pop them in the drawer at the hostess stand. I never usually leave things behind but I was so psyched for my 3 day weekend lol. I'm not enjoying work, but it becomes better with familiarity, as most things do. The people are really friendly. Not much to do though but stand around mostly it's pretty quiet at dinner so I get bored. I'm nervous for the breakfast shifts, they are the busiest time and tables come and go quickly I hope I've got everything down.

Been having low energy and stomach aches lately, probably because I'm working and stressing too much but I figured I'd try a bentonite clay and psyllium just cleanse for a month or so and see if that helps my tummy. Also if I can handle drinking psyllium husks every day for a whole month haha. It's supposed to be very good for you, cleaning everything out of you and even helping allergies which I am desperate to get over. Also you supposedly absorb nutrients after colon cleanses. We shall see. It's not too expensive as long as you get the whole psyllium husks from the flour section of the super market. It's more expensive in the bulk section for some reason...

Maybe I will read and relax for the rest of the day? Not sure it's already 4. Maybe I'll clean one thing and go to karate? It's hard being tired and lazy I keep telling myself it's okay to be lazy but then I'll miss exercising again and my energy will just get lower! Maybe I'll read and go to karate and then draw something pretty. Or work on my story...or start a new one. What do you think of an ex-men type or harry potter type scenario but they have powers that affect only one thing. Based on fairy tale and myth people's powers (reading too much fables I guess.) so there's someone who looks at you and sees every sin and regret that you have, someone who cannot lie and can always tell when another person lies, someone who can speak to ghosts, who will kill anyone who she kisses if it isn't her true love, and things that would be in the form of a curse. maybe also a little "a spell for chameleon"-esque. Too many ideas in my head.

27 August 2013

Found the Rogue One

Found the rogue spider that escaped me when I came home from work last night. He was just chillen on my wall. So I killed him. That might be bad karma for me. I hope not. I left my windows open all night for him to escape and he didn't do it. These are the thoughts that possess me. I think they're out to get me. Chris exploded one with his lighter the other day (boys.), but it came back to life and attacked my foot. So I killed him proper. Now they are seeking revenge by setting their biggest and baddest after me. Also, it's been raining every day. Coincidence?

I think I ought to go to the dentist. The BC water makes me grow lots of plaques. Also, I don't floss. Always thought it took too long. But My teeth are plaquey (could be a real word if we used it enough) and getting sensitive so somethings gotta give--I can come up with the money and visit the overpriced cleaning lady I mean dental technician, or I can start flossing regularly. My new job has benefits but the health plan doesn't kick in until I pass the three month probation, and dental is after 7 months. Odd number. I don't get it.

Yesterday was my first shift alone, and today will be my second shift alone. Then I work Sat and Sun at 615 AM-245PM. I can't remember if I mentioned that. It's kind of a big deal. I hate having my schedule effed with. I don't know if it's temporary so I can experience the busy chaos of a hotel breakfast, or if they will regularly be flitting me back and fort. I suppose we will wait and see. Although not very far in advance what with the one-week-at-a-time scheduling. I need to learn the hotel better. It's taking me too long walking back and forth to the locker room and up to the restaurant. I'm afraid of taking the passages though in case I get lost and end up late to work lol. I'll figure it out eventually. I just don't like hanging around before and after work so I'm not leaving myself much exploring time. It's just--oops gotta run and catch my bus!Anyway I'm obviously procrastinating again, so off I go.

26 August 2013

Busy Bee

UUUUUgh so busy these days. Put my GMO-free Organic lifestyle on hold this week for pop tarts and danishes. The danishes I got suck. What a waste. Also missed don jitsu all week long since I haven't had any days off for it. Soooo getting tubby :p

Finished my career at Indigo and started hostessing at the Hyatt. So far I don't like it much. But the pay is good and will get me through school when I start in January. Getting nervous about back to school as well, even though I'm starting the first year in college and it will be easy. Most likely once I transfer to uni it will still be easy (everything will seem a breeze after U of T) but you know how I worry about EVERYTHING. Anyway so I'm a hostess now. Gotta learn the menu and the wine list and all that jazz, even though most of it will be meaningless to me (seeing as how I hate seafood and hate wine...guess I'll be recommending the Australian lamb) (I hear NZ lamb is better but the head chef is an Aussie so...). This week I'm working 3-1030 and 330-11, but next weekend will be 615-245. Gross! I hope the busses are running by then.

Meanwhile, I'm also trying to get my Foodsafe BC crap done. Leaning modules and whatnot so I can take the test next week. Not sure what it will be like. A girl I worked with at Indigo said she took it but it was online and multiple choice. Now I have to go and meet somebody who watches me take the test. Ridiculous. I suppose they want to be sure it's me taking the test and I'm not having someone else write it for me. Or maybe they don't want me cheating. Either way it's quite silly, in my opinion. Giant pain in the butt.

So my first shift at the Hyatt was Saturday. It was horrible. I'm already exhausted from working a whole week without a day off (I had Tuesday off Indigo and Hyatt had me come in for orientation, then I had Wednesday off but I ran around all day looking for black pants and then cleaned the kitchen and bathroom=not considered a day off). Then I got a massive headache and turned into a migraine and I started feeling nauseous. It was far too hot in the hotel for me to be wearing a full suit and jacket but that's the uniform, so the heat made me feel sicker. And then obviously I was trying to learn everything but having trouble paying attention; and I needed to be happy and all that but just wanted to throw up on somebody's shoes. It was like being hung over but without the fun night of drinking first.

Then yesterday, Sunday, was a little better. I wasn't feeling as bad, just tired and a little headachy, so I managed to get my act together a little bit and learn some more. Today and tomorrow night I'm on my own and have no more training, so hopefully I'll figure out how to make everything go smoothly.

Woke up at 2am for some reason and my room was full of spiders. Six giant daddy longlegs. That's pretty full to me. Usually I see one spider and give it the "This room 'aint big enough for the both of us" speech. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Five giant spiders and a tiny one. So I smooshed them all against the wall with my trusty slipper except one of the giant ones who was on this weird angle that I couldn't smoosh him properly at without him most likely escaping unscathed. So I hoped he'd still be there in the morning and I could figure something out but, alas, he has gone missing in action. I am proud of myself for being able to fall asleep with a spider beside my bed. Obviously I pulled the pillows up so nothing was touching the wall. He has to work to come eat me.

Now I have spider guts all over my walls to clean up. Maybe I should leave it as a warning.

I guess this is long enough, I should get to work and do the next unit for the food safe crap. Peace, dogs.

17 August 2013

Goodbye, Inheritance

Yah so they did it. My parents officially sold the house. Good for them I guess. *glare.* I really liked that house. After not liking it for several years. After I unhaunted my room I liked it. I don't understand why they did it though. They keep saying something like their retirement fund. I think they forgot the part that they can't sell it and spend the money, it's for me for after they die and stuff.

I tried.

Oh PS-Kyle my mom says don't worry they look like they'll be living in the house for a while. Your efforts hauling the new bathtub up the stairs were not for naught.

http://www.theinvidiatateam.com/Listings/2202/1109LinbrookRoad/ there in case anyone wants to see it how it looks after we had to paint it beige. Although the bathrooms dont seem to have pics. Sorry Kyle. For the rest of you, imagine the heaviest bathtub ever. Then imagine me talking Kyle and Holden into lugging it up the stairs. Then trying to wiggle it into place. Then taking the old bathtub out. Such good friends :) Glad I was born a girl :P Didn't you guys put the toilet in too? Handy to know Kyle can do all that, eh guys?


oOOOOh so busy! Getting a new job at the Hyatt hotel, hostessing. Quitting the book store. Having to get my "food safe bc" certificate(...why?! hostesses don't touch food!) for $110. lots of course programs to go through for that. Also, I'll be back to school in January for archaeology. Going to Langara college. Seems to be a thing in BC you can do college and then transfer to Uni before you graduate...courses are transferable here. I asked the guy at SFU "So why does anyone go to your school for the first two years of a degree then? If they can go to college and pay half the money and get much better grades?" and he says "Prestige. That's it." and I said "Ah!"

So anyway I got a sandwich at starbucks and it was all rice. And my phone wasn't working properly so I complained to Vonage who said they fixed it so I called my parents to test my phone and ended up complaining about my sandwich.

Miss everyone at home.

Miss my doggy. I always wish I would have recorded her sleeping. She was so peaceful in her sleep she had such nice deep breaths and mild snore. everyone always got sleepy listening to her. I thought it would be a great thing to cure insomnia. We have a stuffed sheep for sale at the bookstore that's called a sleep sheep and it plays waves and rain sounds, but not as good as sleeping dog.

My thought order makes no sense today and I'm too tired to organize my head better! Study! Heat food to 60 degrees to kill bacteria!

Oh but my phone works!

05 August 2013

Book Review: The Fort

Just read "The Fort" by Bernard Cornwell. IIIIII loved it! Historical fiction about Fort George and the worst naval disaster in US history except for Pearl Harbour. Or is it Harbor? anyway.

1) Revere, the guy who was made famous in that poem about his patriotism and warning the rebels that the British were coming, is a total yellow bellied sap sucker. That's a bird. Actually. But the characters in the book always call each other yellow to mean cowardly and I didn't want to be racist so I thought I would be anti-avian instead. They also say fart-catcher. harhar. I digress. Revere is annoying as hell! He doesn't listen to anybody, doesn't follow orders, screws everything up. By the end, even Peleg Wadsworth, who seems to be a real upstanding and fair guy, gets so pissed off he yells after the deserting Revere that he's going to have him court marshalled. This is after the entire book of him standing up for Revere and trying to work with him and not put him down in front of people. It says in the end of the book what the real things were that happened, what happened after the battle etc; and Cornwell explains that the poem that made Revere famous as a patriot was actually written by Wadsworth's grandson. He says

"A final note, and this strikes me as the supreme irony of the Penobscot Expedition: Peleg Wadsworth, who promised to have Paul Revere arrested, and who was undoubtedly angered by Revere's behaviour at Majabigwaduce, was the maternal grandfather of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the man who singlehandedly made Revere famous. Wadsworth's daughter Zilpha...was the poet's mother. Peleg Wadsworth would have been appalled, but, as he surely knew better than most men, history is a fickle muse and fame her unfair offspring." All this about America's great patriot hero, how easily history is forgotten.

2) Super funny parts. I know it's a war book and stuff, but seriously, this writer has great humour. For example, Sam Adams is introduced by shouting for ale.

3) Totally learned a lot about history from that time period, too. It's different learning only Canadian history growing up and then reading this stuff. And if I hadn't been to Boston recently a lot of it wouldn't even had made sense. Even silly things, like I never really noticed how close boston was to Halifax.

4) It's also interesting that this writer was born in London but lives in the states now. As a writer, how do you balance your allegiances? He gives accounts from both sides equally without favouring anyone, except for certain characters. Like among the Americans he clearly favours Wadsworth and the soldiers in the Marines, while he likes McLean and Moore on the British side. All in all he portrays the British as the better side because they had better leaders and more experienced men, not because he picks one nation over the other. In that, he reminds me a little bit of James Clavell, where you learn to appreciate and respect every side of the story and try to understand it from all angles.

5) And finally, as a battle story, obviously it's pretty exciting too. Especially, since not knowing any American history, i didn't really know what to expect or who won.

So super fun book and I highly recommend it :)


is awesome. i feel fatter already. nom.