11 April 2013

spring is here


I know I've posted this a hundred times before but spring is here, spah-ring is here!
All the wildlife is out and about, eagles and hawks and odd birds you don't see in Ontario. Like the pretend bluejay,


for example. Raccoons that are enormous. Like 3 Ontario raccoons in one. All the vermin are about too (cats) now that the rainy season is mostly done. Still had a few days of rain in the last couple weeks, but it's at least 60% sunny now.

Signed up for martial arts lessons. I'm-a gonna be able to kick ass. Human hiney, I mean, not donkey. Who would kick a donkey? A human hiney hole that's who.

Got a big fun day planned for Sunday! Planned a surprise birthday date for Chris. I can't say what it is yet, though, in case he's reading this. (Are you?? huh?? You better read my blog, it's super cool.)

Watched a sweet docu series on the Medici family.

I like it because it talks a lot about religion and the art world at the time. I was always a sucker for art/architectural history when it comes to the renaissance era. So I highly recommend this one. It's pretty basic, not too much detail on specific people, but it covers all the main artists of the time. It also made me wonder how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were chosen.

The great artists of the time were all under Medici patronage. Brunelleschi (architect, engineer), Fra Angelico (painter), Donatello (sculptor, bas relief), Michelangelo (sculptor, painter, architect, poet, engineer, snob), Leonardo (mental case), Raphael (painter, architect) and Sandro Botticelli (painter). So how do you break this group down to a mere four turtles? Seriously.

Anyway if you watch the docu and can't find what order they come in, I will tell you. I think. "Birth of a Dynasty" is obv part 1, 2 is the 'Magnificent Medici.' 3 is the 'Pope' and 4 is "Power v. Truth."

AAAnyway hot chocolate time XD

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