11 April 2013


I was reading Julie's blog and it's black with white type. Somehow, even though this has never happened before, I am now it on my screen still. Like when you look at a light for too long. Also, in response to Julie's waking up on the wrong side of the bed, do you ever get that thing where you wake up in the morning and it's like "huh, that's weird, I'm on the wrong side of the bed," as you stare at your ceiling, then after blinking a couple of times the ceiling spins around and it turns out you're on the right side of the bed after all but your eye-to-brain-sensors forgot to wake up when you did and you were seeing upside down? Coz I hope you have. Otherwise, it's actually me who's crazy. If that made no sense at all then just pretend this post doesn't exist.

Also, trying to figure out who's been reading my blog other than, say, Julie and my parents. "Dee Emm" commented on Julie's post about having learned of her blog from me posting that it should be read. Who's Dee Emm? Who reads this crazy crap I sporadically spout? What does D.M. stand for, or is Dee Emm not initials? You have me puzzled! Tellll Meeeeeeee!!!!!


Julie G said...

I don't know what you're talking about...weirdo lol. I just wake up curled up in the fetal position at the end of my bed like a domesticated animal.

Dee Emm is a friend of Simona's and she was just pulling my leg. And it's her name initials. Mystery over. I've resolved myself to the idea that only you Sim and her friend read my blog. I at one point tried to tell people but they never showed up. So now I don't even bother. I find I can post more freely not thinking about who might be reading.

Jackie said...

I got so confused about the i found your blog thanks to jackie's post thing! and talking about toronto in the 70's! lol!

Jackie said...

aaw i am weird