17 April 2013


So for Chris' birthday, we went on a seaplane tour! It was so much fun! Check the pics on my fb page. My favourite things were the mountains from above, the ski hills, ocean and beaches. It was kind of neat seeing the familiar landmarks from the sky. The bridges look a lot cooler from up high, more impressive, I think. Grouse Mountain was neat, like "oh I was up there," and the whole sunshine coast was breathtaking. I was a bit nervous beforehand, and getting onto the 6-seater deHavilland Beaver was odd (I've never been in a seaplane, and it's like getting into a boat). The take-off was a little nerve-wracking as well, but only because I've never been in a plane that takes off from the water. Once we were up it was great! The sun shining on my face relaxed me too, I felt like I was going for a drive or something, but with a better view. Then it was all "oohs" and "ahs" for a while, passing the camera back and forth. We were pretty quiet, both from the shock of the views and the awkwardness of talking over the engine noise. The landing wasn't scary at all, very smooth. By the time we landed I was sad to go. All in all it was a worthwhile adventure!

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