10 September 2013

Happy Trails

Sometimes when I'm walking home at night I see the trails of snails and slugs on the sidewalk. At times I see the slug too, and at times it's just the slimy tracks. I've noticed that they aren't usually in a straight line. In fact, when I see one that is a straight line, I generally stop and stare for a moment, silently commending the slug who dun it; but usually it's a squiggly line that bends and turns and makes many figure eights and no conceivable sense. Sometimes, I get really confused when I can see the track suddenly leave off somewhere. Where'd the snail go? Get eaten up by a birdy? Then, once in a while, i see a track that has TWO ends, and no slug. Shit, son! What did them snails go and do, invent teleportation?! Well I would too if I was that slow. I believe we need to study these creatures more closely.

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