11 September 2013

Life Stuff

So I'm getting used to the Hyatt. It doesn't suck as much as it did on my first day, where I was cranky and migrainy and nauseous and couldn't get my locker open for five minutes and wanted to cry lol. Now it just stinks because I'm the bottom of the food chain, and I hate being on probation for the first three months of new jobs, and I still don't know everything and have to ask people stuff all the time. I'm also doing two jobs there now. Got the hostessing thing going, and then also serving for room service. That's descent too, pays better and gets tips, but I'm really slow at it. A) I'm no good at carrying those heavy trays and opening doors at the same time, and B) I'm still triple checking everything constantly to make sure I get everything right. This slows me down big time. But, it's also earned me big points with the guys that work it (they've been there 23, 24, and 27 years respectively; wtf, eh?) because they notice that I'm not making any mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race indeed, as long as you learn to do things quicker down the line haha. Pretty much, I'm good at both jobs, but still get flustered and a bit lost when things get really busy and I have trouble keeping up. It'll get better, I know, it already is, but...not there yet. Also, I really miss working around books. It was dusty, but I really enjoyed it. Damn you, Indigo, for not paying well! Oh, and C) Do you know how superstitious I am? And do you know how often I knock the salt over on these stupid trays?! Not the glasses of water, not the wine or beer or food, it's always the salt I spill. My shoulder devil should be crying for a month with the amount of salt I threw in his eyes. I wish I had some of the same days off as Chris gets, though. I really want to do fun things with him like hiking and see the Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge (we did the Cap bridge with Kyle, that was sooo awesome I forget if I blogged about my Ewok experience or not), and walking along the sea wall, and visiting museums and gardens. Once I've been at work a bit longer I can work something out but I don't want to ask for things yet it's too early still. Couple more weeks and I will try to get Tuesdays off, since Chris' schedule is changing from weekends off to Sundays and Tuesdays off.

The new housemate has been here for a couple of months now and all is going well. I like her, (Kailey) she's really chill. My only complaint is that she doesn't clean enough, so that's fine. Could be much worse.

Eric on the other hand... I can hear from my living room the smooching noises coming from his bedroom. Can't he close the door? I came home earlier and went to say hello and walked into his room and almost said "Wow, you cleaned it! Looks great!" and noticed just in time that there was a girl there and I kept the comment back haha didn't want to ruin the date for him by implying that his room is usually messy. Oh...there goes the door! (They closed it) hahaha mentally sending out my thanks to Eric.

Just finished book 2 of the Dragon Brigade series by Margaret Weiss and Robert krammes. Super fun and exciting, but I then realized that book two just came out in July. So I have no idea how long until book 3. Grrrr.

Side note about work, had a funny moment when one of the servers was complaining that I was giving her too many tables (I said the other girl has more than you do, there's nothing else I can do but give it to you)and being bitchy and five minutes later she spilled a tray of drinks on herself. I was like (in my head of course) "ooooh, karma's a bitch!" and then realized I was being a bitch by enjoying someone else's bad moment and immediately regretted thinking that because I don't want to be a bad person and I don't want to get bad karma for thinking that.

Zsuzsi is moving to Vancouver (the girl from Ottawa who was dating Krisztian for a while a few years back)! She's been doing arty things for school in California and is now done and coming here to look for work because apparently has better opportunities for design or whatever it is than Toronto does. That will be awesome. She's one of those people who is always cheerful and kind and has nothing bad to say about anybody, but has always let me rant and rave about my crap. She's a truly kind and wonderful person and I'm excited to be able to hang out with her again.

I think I was going to make a clever comment about something else too but I'm sleepy and forget. Tomorrow gonnae try to get my eyebrows threaded and go to karate, and enjoy my day off. Hopefully it will be nice weather again because usually it rains on my days off and is sunny on my work days. I want to go to the beach a couple more times before it's too late!

Over and out.

1 comment:

Julie G said...

That was so much Jackie update I`m not sure what to do with myself.