05 May 2013

Summer is Here!

So I know I already bragged about this on my fb and stuff, but, like, Summer is here in Vancouver. I'm really only enjoying this for 3 reasons: 1)I like the rain, but rain EVERY DAY FOR 6 MONTHS really started to get to me. Summer means the rainy season is finally done with! 2) I hate looking like a Canadian. When somebody can look at me and tell what country I'm from simply because I'm obviously too pale to live anywhere else in the world excepting maybe Greenland and Siberia, that is not fair. I prefer looking healthy and slightly bronze. Like a bronze statue of a goddess, as opposed to a marble one. Since I'm that pretty and all. (Note: this is the kind of thing that I expect my avid readers to comment affirmatively on.) Reason no. 3) Obviously the last reason is bragging rights. Most of you guys are on the East Coast (that's right, B.Columbians think that Toronto is on the East Coast) where, as Kyle informed me earlier today, it is only 22 degrees out. (That's really odd, it shouldn't be that hot yet until June.) Not only is my temperature 6 degrees higher, but I live a few blocks away from a sandy beach on which I can frolic in my spare time. It also has a mountain view. And it's on an ocean. =)

Aside from that, you all know how much I hate the hot weather. It's all well and good when you can escape into the air conditioning later, but they don't seem to have that here, or at least it's not in use yet. Which drives me mad, I was up all night sweating. I hate sweating. I also hate not being able to sleep, but I can't ever sleep if I'm not a little bit cold. My house should ALWAYS be at the ideal 20.5/69 degrees. That is what I'm comfy in. It would be better if I could open the window, but Vancouverites don't seem to believe in the all important window screens, and I don't believe in inviting spiders and mosquitos into my abode, so we'll see how long I can hold out for. I give me two days before I give in to the elements and coat my window ledges in soap to keep the spiders out. Eric will also be home in a couple of weeks, which is good. It's important to live with a man. Women are less likely to kill spiders for you.

I'm excited to spend my summer with Eric this year. It's been a few years since we had a whole summer together. Of course I'll miss the rest of the crew, but it's nice to have at least one old friend here. We used to get together with people like Colin, J.C. and Brian and go to the drum circles in Trinity Bellwoods Park, or just hang out with some beers. Gotta see if the hippies in BC have drum circles in the summer, those were good times. One of my favourites was the year of the many thunderstorms when the park got flooded and they had a drum circle anyway, and half of it was knee deep in water. Luckily the park was pretty clean and nobody seemed to step in any broken glass or anything under that water, it could have been dangerous, but it was just plain fun.

Other news is I'll be home for a visit in July! I'll let you know the dates when I get them, only about 2 or 3 days I'm afraid. But I miss everybody! I'll be spending a week in Boston too, visiting the parental units and canine. I'm pretty excited because I miss them and have never seen Boston before! I'll cut this off here before it gets so lengthy that it deters everyone from reading it!


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