05 May 2013

Reading Star Wars

So I got meself a Kobo, figuring all the free books I can download on it will pay for it. So far that's already more than true, but now I want books that I can only dl from the internet or library and I haven't figured out the sync Kobo to Laptop thing yet. I dled the adobe e reader software, but that's it.

So I've read a bunch of classics, and got halfway through Utopia before I wanted something with spaceships in it, and there are some ebooks on the Kobo free book site that are about "the lost tribe of the sith" that I got into. Finished that pretty quickly before thinking I should read more! So now I got Starwars the Trilogy borrowed from work, New Hope to Return. So far I'm only where Luke buys Artoo and See Threepio, but it's okay. Figured it would be the same as the movies since it was written after, only I'd get more detail out of it. There we go, reading smart books and classics for too long and I need a break I guess.

Also read the latest Dresden novel, that was exciting! The formula is getting a little...well...formulaic, though. I can't tell you what will happen in each book before reading it, but I can tell you how it will happen in each book. They've all got the same way of building up to the final battle and quick wrap-up. Otherwise, i totally love those books. They make me laugh a lot.

Been writing a little bit too, was thinking about maybe posting some stuff? I don't know tho, always a little shy about that. Anyway, Artoo's just run away from Luke's farm, so I'm gonna go read ^________^

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