24 September 2012

How Disney has Ruined My Outlook on Life

Well, I'm 26 with no Prince Charming. This leaves several options.
1) I just haven't found him yet.
2) Really, I'm getting a little old. All Disney Princesses are in their teens, MAYBE 20's. I'm running out of finding Prince charming time. I'll be the old maid fairy godmother to the girls in my family.
3) It's too late! No happily ever after for me! I'm just not Disney Princess material! SOB! I fail at life!
4) Let's face it. I'm bound to be the evil stepmother, embittered by my loneliness.
5) I have to put matters into my own hands. Get out there, put my very life in peril--threatened by a heartless human--and lo! Prince Charming will come to my rescue!
6) Maybe I had it already, but due to my unwillingness to change my annoying personality, he vamoosed.
Thus, Disney has ruined my outlook on love (or at least my chances for it.)

Next, I have issues with the reality of nature. Watch a cat playing with it's prey, or an orca throwing a seal around for fun before eating it. A Komodo will poison a large animal and stalk it for days and days as it dies slowly, watching the Komodo watching it, knowing it's fate, until it can't move anymore and is slowly eaten. What the hell, man?! Only humans are supposed to torture animals! Not other animals! How do I deal with this? Way to lie, Disney!

What? Fairies aren't real??

More often than not, the bad guy actually wins in real life. (Hey! Maybe I SHOULD be an evil stepmother!) I realize that one person can actually make a difference, but rarely do people stand up for what they believe in. Disney doesn't show how power and influence prevail, or how people just don't care enough to do anything. All my life I thought I would meet heroes, or be one. instead, I got too comfortable, just like everyone else. Plus, I want a job with CSIS, and they won't hire you if you've been involved in political action or public protests. What the hell?! Do I keep sitting around hoping for an interview, for my dream job? And maybe one day I'll get it, and make a difference through my job? Or do I say that's bull, I'm going to get involved in things now? Disney never covered that. The right answers in Disney are always so easy.

Also, I can't understand animals when they talk.

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