07 September 2012

Deep Cove

Finally starting to get settled in. Vancouver is a little boring from a city perspective. It takes a long time to get anywhere, nothing is in walking distance, everything is far apart. The city is separated in several places by rivers and inlets and coves, and so to get from downtown to uptown or north or south you have to cross bridges and highways and it's a really odd layout. once you actually get downtown vancouver, it's mostly offices and cheap souvenirs, anyway. there's a few nice galleries, hair salons, boutiques, etc. the market is a 20 minute drive (if you have a car, longer with public transport). Oh but the art Gallery has the best name-Vancouver Art Gallery. Sounds normal now, but all the posters say "VAG." Heh. There are street busses, water busses, skytrain, etc, a great public transit system, but the city is so geographically all over the place it still takes hours to get anywhere! all this time i've been complaining about toronto's transit system sucking...well it does, but at least i can walk places!! and i miss the PATH. Toronto's military building means it's a city set up in a grid shape and SO EASY to navigate. I get lost all the time here. But this is nothing new, nor does it mean i don't like it here. I never liked Van much anyway tho. Just here looking for a job, eventually I'd rather be elsewhere in BC, either north or maybe the island. SO far I'm in North Vancouver, I can avoid the city centre and sit a little higher up the foothills where I'm right on the ocean and steps from the mountains. So I've started a daily routine. I spend the morning reading, then go kayaking or hiking. Then I come home and look for work and chill out some more. Eventually, I decide that I should go work on my suntan (which has gotten lovely). So i sit on the dock for a while reading and baking. When the seal annoys me (fishbreath really stinks) I go back inside to clean, launder, or whatever domestic/lifey chores I can find. Then i chill out and do nothing for the rest of the night, except maybe another kayak/hike, or motorboat ride, or walk into the tiny downtown of deep cove. Tomorrow I'm going to check out the deep cove library. Will probably update again tomorrow, wanted to talk about the book i'm reading. Good bye, my avid blog followers! (all, like, 2 of you... lol)

1 comment:

Julie G said...

Avid reader #1 here...or maybe I'm #2. But I'm one of them.

Awesome updates. I'm a little bit jealous, sounds pretty great. I got a job by the way. Not the one your mom sent me, but another one. Employment is grand. I feel like a part of regular society again. Woot. Can I get a high flipper from Dave?...don't leave me hanging.