28 January 2012


When dealing with red jello, i put cherry flavour on the one end (my least favourite) and raspberry jello on the other end (my most favourite). We have lots of jello at home, so I made cherry to get rid of it so that we won't have any and now we only have good jello's left. (Sorry all you cherry fans, I don't dislike it, i just prefer strawberry, and raspberries kick every other fruits butt.) (Except maybe passionfruit. That's really yummy too.) (And sometimes guava.)

But RED JELLO is the topic of today's question, so back to that. I only really mentioned flavour on the off-chance that cherry is bizarre. I shall let you know once i make the next berry jello, which will be strawberry, so that i can save the best for last (raspberry). (In case you missed that.)

Anyway the point was that I MADE CHERRY JELLO. Oh, it's also Jello Brand, if that matters to any of you doing your jello experiments in the future. And it's the no sugar kind, it's got the fake sweeteners. Maybe those are to blame. Just mentioning this to be specific, you know, for you science types out there. Or in case you wonder what kind of jello my mum buys me when there's a jello sale. I know some people really like to know every aspect about my jello eating habits so that they can emulate them and be as cool as me. But in this case i'm being less cool, eating cherry flavour and all that.

As I was saying about my CHERRY JELLO. I swear, i'm getting there. Wait, i'm lost. Oh yah. Jello. Cherry. And i made it. Okay. So i made this cherry jello, and poured it into different size cups (you know, some people want lots of jello, and others just a bit, so i decided on glass size variations to accommodate for everyone's jello portion preference, as I can be very thoughtful like that. So now you've got these cups full (or half full, for those only wanting a smidgin) of cherry jello. Now, to be heaLthy, I like to put fruit into my jello so that i don't feel bad about eating it all. (Note to parents: To be fair, I made it TWO DAYS AGO! It's not my fault it's all gone, you had plenty of time to eat some!)

Finally, this brings about my question: Oh wait. I forgot to tell you about the fruit. I put RASPBERRIES into the jello. We didn't have any cherries, so i couldn't use those. Oh, and they were frozen raspberries. Okay so my question: Why is it that now, when I eat my CHERRY FLAVOURED, ARTIFICIALLY SWEETENED, RASPBERRY SPRINKLED JELLO, that the raspberries have gone from raspberry coloured to a sickly, faded pale ghost of a raspberry colour? It's like they were bleached! what happen?


Julie G said...

Thanks for all of the Jello making details, I'm going to take notes and remember for my next Jello making experience.

Also, I think I may have you matched you for awesome Jello stories. Last time I made Jello with a friend we layered Raspberry and Orange and they fused together. It was pretty boss.

Jackie said...

I think it says on the jello box not to mix kiwi or citrus fruits. way to read directions.

jackie's mum said...

hmmm. am trying to remember the basics of equilibrium and perfusion and all that.
the jello was needier than the raspberry. likely because it heard all of your comments about its inferiority to said berry.
vampires could also be at work here...