Sorry for not updating in a bit, been in a funk. I got fired from my Hyatt job because "You don't have a genuine personality" and I'm "a bit awkward" so I've been down about that. Never been fired before. Spent the last week being lazy and feeling sorry for myself. Now I have to get back in the game and start putting out resumes. It's hard though because I feel like I've been taken down a notch and so I'm worried about what to look for and what to do. I'll be back to school soon so I'll need a part-time gig, maybe 4 days/week. I felt like I was finally on track with things in my life and it all fell apart on me. Giant pain in my asshole. But I really need to force myself to get back out there before I let myself get into a downward spiral. I'm even a week late with my library book for the first time since I moved here! When you sit around at home all day moping and don't want to go out or shower or whatever it gets dangerous. So into the shower I go and job searching is to be done! Everyone keeps telling me to look at it as a blessing in disguise, and I need to start doing that. Eventually I will find something I enjoy more and get back to working with people who aren't fake and irritating. Financially, my folks said they would help me out if I need it, so that's awesome too. It's motivating to know that people are able and willing to back you, because it means they know you are capable of getting your shit together. If I was a lost cause, I'd be one of those people with parents who are all "You messed up again? You are cut off!" whereas my folks said "those people are idiots! everybody we know thinks you are a lovely person! go get 'em, tiger!"
Also, thinking I should invest in a printer. Going to the library whenever I need to print out more resumes is a little bit annoying. But the question in my tiny living space is always where the hell would I put it?!
So send all your pleasant and lucky thoughts my way, I need it!
I'm sorry Jak, that's such a load of BS. You're hella awesome. Sometimes management is just blind. Maybe if they had come to you and talked to you in a mature manner they would have realized they were wrong. A friend of mine just got let go after 5 years because "it wasn't a fit." People suck. It is a blessing you no longer have to work with/for them, but I understand your unemployed can be not fun.
As a joke she and I were going to apply for her job when they repost it. My last job was at her company on that team. But I might be too chicken to partake in such shenanigans.
They can do that after 5 years?! No shame.
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