Also, I forgot to mention the other thing that's been taking up time/worries is that my roommate Kailey is moving out. Eric and I have been looking for a new person to take her spot. We found a girl from Toulouse named Julie (a good omen, I think! Julie was my first ever room mate and I love her immensely). She seems okay but it's always a gamble. We'll miss Kailey a lot she's a very positive person. So Julie2 will be moving in on Dec 1. We raised the rent a bit so we can lower ours (also helpful when I need a job lol). She works at a bakery on Granville Isl and promises to bring home treats. (not that I need the extra fat since I bake so much but hey, no complaints.) I think we should get along pretty well since she seems relatively normal. She reminded me of me a bit, awkward and non-genuine. Lol kidding, she was a little shy looking at a new place but knows what she wants. So now that we have her on board it's one less worry, and one new path we will start on. I'm glad to have met and lived with Kailey though. She's a big personality for sure, but very positive, accepting, and meets challenges and change head-on. I hope to have taken some of that from her. Anyway really need to get going with my day! Kisses everyone :)
Oh and PS I will also be using all of my free time to work on my projects that I have started and never finished. Kyle-your three musketeers painting is now completely sketched out and would be half painted except that I can't find where i stashed the actual paint. But I anticipate it will be done within the next month. With the roommate changeover I can pull extra furniture out of the closet and get to my things in the back which I think is where the paint is at. For reals this time! Although your weight loss and new fit body have proved to be a pain in the ass because I had to re-draw you from the forehead down. I kept your feet too. But you look great, so I shouldn't complain too much.
And I'm working on my stories that I'm writing as well, so at least I am not a complete sloth.
And in very un-slothlike behaviour, I am actually hopping into the shower now.
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