12 June 2013

Birthdays and Other Thoughts

My bro's bday reminded me how old I'm getting. How depressing. I probably wouldn't mind if I had something in life, like a job, or a house. But minimum wage doesn't count as a job I don't care how you look at it. And renting doesn't count as a house. Especially when shared with roommates. I guess I need to be thankful that I decided last year to start aging backwards and turn 25 instead of 26. That means I'll only be turning 24. So it's not so bad. I mean I still get IDed buying lotto tickets which you need to be 18 for, so, I think I can do 24.

Looking forward to visiting home. Well. Boston and then Oakville where I have no house. I miss my dog. And my parents too, of course. But they're not as likely to die soon. Macko's turning 15 in a couple of weeks. So she gets missed more by proxy. Plus she smells like corn chips which I find endearing in a weird way. And she cuddles better because she doesn't get annoyed when I throw myself on her. Well, she sighs a bit. And I miss her snore. It's cute. My dad's snore from the next room, not so cute. Anyway, it's sad wondering how many more times I can see my dog. She's getting slow and lost and just old. Anyway gotta stop talking about that coz I'm a cry baby and making myself teary.

But Boston will be fun. I have never been before, so lots and lots to see! It's still weird that my parents are living in the states now. My mom was finally going to get her Canadian citizenship, too! Maybe some day. I secretly think she's just holding out until she's a senior because you don't have to swear allegiance to the Queen then, and the American in her won't let herself do it.

Busy weeks coming up, looking for a serving job because it pays more and i don't have a real job yet. Hopefully I'll find one. Looking into going back to school but not sure what they'll say about getting in with my poopy marks and if I can afford it. Maybe with that serving job.

My boss gave me some movie tix. We get them at work sometimes for free. So next Wednesday is prescreening of Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing. Really close to my house! I didn't know there was a theatre there haha. Not sure what it is all about yet, but the maker of Firefly and Buffy hasn't let me down yet. Hopefully Chris can come with me! (Hurry to my house after work, ok? You can even use my shower to get the car grease off you!)Soo that's the Jackie update for now! Gotta get to bed (AKA make a hot chocolate, read, eat, pass out)

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