08 March 2013


SO far, Seattle adventures involve being stopped at the border (they must search our rental car, you know, we look very suspicious and probably are trying to import fruits and vegetables and...maybe even...a LIVE ANIMAL! So that took around 35 minutes or just enough time to make sure we caught rush hour and took an extra 1.5 hours to get to the city. Anyway then we were kind of bummed coz our plans were put off, but we walked around a tiny bit, saw a gum wall and a weird pier with taxidermy and a carousel. We tried to go for dinner at a place Jenny Bathelt recommended called the pink door but couldn't find it. Instead we went to the Hard Rock. Kyle's fish was good, my fajita's tasted poopy. Too much salt and pepper on the beef (why, is it old?) and there was *shudder* cilantro. I hate cilantro. So then we went to the original starbucks and back to the hotel for chillen and sleepin. It's been good to see Kyle again! Tonight we're hoping to meet Jenny and Lee for dinner. Well, off to shower and hit the market!

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