The rest of Kyle's trip was super fun. We didn't get to see Jenny (boo)but that just gives me a reason to get back to Seattle (yay). We also missed the underground tour (come on, people, when I tell you I'm going somewhere can't you tell me what to see while I'm there instead of telling me after I get back??) but we walked around a lot, did the pike place, the first Starbucks (obv I had tea, who wants that coffee), and found a restaurant that Jenny recommended (Machiavelli's, at least that one wasn't an illusive restaurant haha) which was super good. We basically just explored and relaxed. Our hotel was quite nice, we stayed at the Fairmont. I didn't want a dingy cheap hotel (it's vacation!) and I also didn't want something off the charts (but one day I WILL!) and the Fairmont was reasonable. Also, I wanted to be right downtown and it's in a great spot.
Once back in Canada (where there are almost no black people and almost all East Asian people) we went adventuring here, too. Kyle and I went to the Aquarium (obviously) (this is me). I showed him Deep Cove and we climbed the Baden Powell with Chris. Afterwards we went to do the Capilano suspension bridge. That was really cool. The bridge was a little freaky but the view was enormous. Once we reached the safety of the opposite side, I steered us toward the signs that said "Treetops Adventure." It was like an EWOK VILLAGE AND I GOT TO BE AN EWOK AND I HAD SO MUCH FUN AND IT WAS AWESOME! I think the guys liked it, too. Chris was trying to collect the stamps that said he had visited every station (if you catch'em all [blatant Pokemon reference] they give you a certificate at the end) but we didn't figure out until the end that the big metal things everywhere were actually embosser seals and they didn't actually give you stamps, they just suck at English and meant that you need to emboss your paper at each station. So Chris didn't get enough 'stamps.' We also went around the cliff side...hangy...stair...bridge...path. It was really cool but I thought I might die at any moment.
On another day we three plus Eric went atop Grouse and dined at the Observatory. That was quite nice. We made it about half-an-hour before the fog rolled in, so luckily we got all the beautiful view. The food was the best I've had in Vancouver. That's not saying a lot, the food here is terrible generally, but it was pretty delightful food. It wasn't quite worth the cost, but I guess you pay extra for the "free" cable car ride. It was also quite cold and snowy! Except for the fact that we were on a mountaintop with a beautiful view, I felt almost like I was home. (You know, -15 degrees, snowing.) All in all, I had a good Vacation with Kyle! MISS YOU!