03 November 2012


was posting a comment on julie's blog, talking about being put under in surgery. reminded me, i don't think i ever remembered to tell you all that i woke up during my hand surgery. maybe i did but it's been so long. anyway, the story is just that after i woke up the doctor's like "do you remember waking up at all?" and i'm like "huh..what...uh...*groggy groggy* nope." she's all "okay, well that's a good sign. you're on a lot of medication right now though, so let us know if that changes." (it didn't) essentially i had sat straight up in the middle of my surgery and given the doctors a heart attack. no warning or anything. just sat about half way up and i guess i didn't get all the way up because of the tubes and things and someone probably caught me. isn't that weird, though? don't you expect someone to slowly wake up and start looking around or moving their arms even? i knew i was crazy. anyway, so that's the story. if i'm ever in some kind of crazy accident around you, tell the doctor's to knock me out super well before doing anything to me!


Julie G said...

Only way that could have been freakier/better is if you had said "Just kidding" and then laid back down and passed back out.

Jackie said...

bwahahahahahaha! miss you!