14 November 2012

Mountain tops getting cold

Went hiking on the weekend with my folks and my dog. It was rough because i was semi-sick. By semi-sick I mean that I felt myself getting tired and weak and my nose hurt. So one day I went for a run (which was brutal, I had to power walk half of it because I kept getting dizzy) and the next day I went out for said hike. I figured that if I kept pushing myself, it would keep getting sick at bay (so far, it seems totally gone). Of course it always works in theory. Once We had been out for 45 minutes and were steadily walking uphill (by hill I mean mountain) for the majority of that time, I couldn't breathe because I was so congested. Not helping were the facts that whenever it's chilly outside my nose gets runny anyway, and that the higher we climbed the thinner the air got. So I was pretty far behind them (not b/c I was sick, because the dog is getting old! I swear!) (That was a lie, even the dog was way ahead of me) and breathing through my mouth, and making it harder to breathe because instead of catching my breath I kept complaining and whining about how my temperature kept rising more than it should or how tired I was getting. I was probably starting to piss them off a bit. Anyway, then the path levelled out a little bit and suddenly everything around us was frosty. The ground had a layer of frost (not really snow, but frost) about 3 inches thick; the branches were white; all the leaves on the plants around us had a layer of frost, but just around the edges, so everything looked like Christmas decorations with that spray-on-plastic-snow stuff. It was so beautiful and cool and serene.

Of course we didn't know which way to go down and had to climb further uphill for a while so my whining and complaining started right up again (sorry, guys!) but in that moment, it made it all worth while.

And in a moment of truth, I actually miss, not Toronto, but Oakville. (Toronto too.) Both cities are so beautiful. There's something about Oakville downtown and in my folk's neighbourhood that is so beautiful in the winter. I love all the christmas lights, and the tree and lights downtown Oakville are so nice, you feel so festive walking around the shops. And in Toronto, Yorkville is like that, too. I'm sure Vancouver will be like that, too, in places. No pretty snow though! Anyway, first admission to liking Oakville. Don't tell anyone!

1 comment:

Julie G said...

I'm going to tell everyones.