10 March 2012

Time to grow up, Jackie

Have you ever noticed that everything big happens all at one time? So for me, it's time to grow up, and fast. The bf and I are no longer together, my parents are up and moving to Vancouver, and I'm still at the stage in life where you're like "um, can everyone please just revolve around me for a while still? 'cause I have no idea what to do right now and was enjoying the comfort of nothing changing." So now what? Yikes! I mean nothing would be more awesome than going to Van, but shouldn't I be responsible and do more school first? and school is great and all, but now that I have nothing holding me to one spot shouldn't I take the opportunity and have an adventure? And if I stay where do I live? and if i go, where do I work? There's only one solution. Cookies.

1 comment:

Julie G said...

There is a lot of important information packed into that paragraph. Bf break up? Parents taking the leap to Vancouver. You might go with them?? Cookies is a good start.

Can you pass this on to your parents. When I moved back my cousin recommended a moving company: http://www.greatcanadianvanlines.com/ They ended up quoting me about half the cost that Atlas did.