07 March 2012


In case of a zombie attacks, the apocalypse, 2012, or natural disasters leading to the decimation of the human race, i hope you will follow me to safety. Central ontario is on the canadian shield. This is beneficial because there are few people living in most of it, there are no volcanoes, we are too far from the ocean for hurricanes, flood, and tsunami activity to effect us, and because of the winter temperatures we will remain isolated (this is important in case of war and zombie-ism being contagious). The land is abundant in natural resources like fresh water and forest, and lots of animals and plants are available for eating. Also, pollution levels that far from cities are low, so you can actually drink the fresh water. Unless you have a better idea, please keep this in mind. Also, please do not become a zombie and attack me or i will have to kill you. that would suck.

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