28 March 2012


Moving soon..my parents are cleaning and painting, getting the house ready for renting out and moving out. They are sorting through years worth of things. Our last move, my brother and I were still young enough not to want to let go of childhood toys, and the ones we kept are still around, and being sorted through now. I have barbie dolls, batman toys, star trek next gen toys, ninja turtles, smurfs...some of it I would still like to keep, however. I wonder what my brother will say when he finds out the Lego is actually mine and not his...Muahahaha. Also, i won the N64, which is shared between us, in rock paper scissors. And my dad's NES (which i need to figure out how to fix.)

The parents are also going through a wedding box. They just threw out their cake topper (why they kept it i dont know) and are talking about something called a scapula, and wedding invitations. When you sort through your life, how do you decide what's worth keeping? Really it's just STUFF. items. Material goods. But some of it you still decide is worth keeping, something you like as a memento. It's just odd letting go of something you kept for so long, even though you never looked at it, but kept it in a box or a drawer.

I just threw away all my love letters from high school. I kept them all becuse they were so cute. I would have kept them still but figured some of my hs boyfriends may not be so pleased that they are still around haha. It was hard, too, because bf's don't write me love letters anymore, not like they used to. Life was so much easier when we sat around taking notes in class and weren't paying attention but sketching and writing to each other instead. You can't tune out your undergrad or gradschool profs or you're in trouble!

Anyway gotta go through my old VHS tapes and toys now, get stuff ready for selling/donating/garbage. adventure to the past!

1 comment:

Julie G said...

Do you know if you're going with or staying? Kudos on the 64 win.