11 July 2013

CNN Live Drama!

I was really disappointed when I was in Boston watching CNN with my Dad. He kept flipping between it and Fox (hasn't subscribed to other stations yet) and although I expected it from Fox I had thought better of CNN. He was looking for updates on the situation in Egypt and all that was playing on the news was the Zimmerman trial. The worst part is that CNN was airing it as if it were some sort of reality TV show. "Next on CNN, they're presenting the evidence. After this commercial break." "Don't miss! our full coverage of the Zimmerman case." Really sad that people don't complain. Although I guess I didn't. Probably wouldn't matter either.

1 comment:

Julie G said...

I once saw Larry King, in the middle of a serious interview with someone, ask what they thought about the whole Anna Nicole Smith drama. I wish I could remember who it was, they were like huh??