17 January 2013

BC is...better?

Okay okay, so I complain all the time about the health insurance here, (it's $60/month!!) (well, it would be except I'm WAY under the poverty line so personally I don't pay) and how nothing is covered under health insurance anyway. And I miss the pretty Ontario drivers license. And insurance is more expensive here b/c the province runs it. BUT omg BC actually got one thing right that Ontario can't ever do (because they sell everything off that was provincially run e.x. drivers licensing) is that I just, on one website, changed my address for my license, AND health insurance. THEN they were like "click here to forward this information to the voter registry system" and I was like "whaaaaaat?!?" that is way to efficient. I think now that maybe it was a scam website and I just gave some random people my new address and DL number and the last half of my SIN. Hmmmm...

1 comment:

Julie G said...

They're supposed to be connected in Ontario so when you change your driver's license your voting registration changes. But it just never happens that way. I never get my voting cards at new addresses until after I vote for the first time.

ON is pretty great, but BC is also pretty bitchin. When the nice weather comes you should go exploring the interior. There are some really neat little cities in there. And nice motel keepers that will hold onto the blackberry you left behind for a week and not steal it.