10 October 2012

bc sux0rz

Things to hate about BC
-there's no provincial environmental laws except what the federal govn't requires. Thus, storm drains lead to streams that are environmental projects http://bc.ctvnews.ca/pool-water-dumped-into-drain-blamed-for-dead-fish-1.984642, water sanitation doesn't happen, waste is dumped into the ocean after only being treated at one plant (the only province that can't be bothered to clean their poo)(Every other province treats black waste 3-4 times) pretty much all the lumber has been sold to chinese, which means bc actually doesn't own much of their own land either. they have this great chunk of land, and can't take care of it.
-everyone here thinks ontarians are full of themselves. well i wasn't until i moved here. the corporate, capitalist, every man for himself, small town usa mind set can be a little overwhelming. the only thing i used to diss bc about was luongo. so if everyone hates me for being from ontario, but dentists are so happy to see me 'cause i've got nice teeth, even tho i havent been to a dentist in 2+ years, you know something is up. they're all "oooh ontario's fluoride in the tapwater, oooh ontario teeth, ooh this is so nice, your teeth are beautiful!" and i'm like "shouldnt you be yelling at me now about how i don't floss??" how bad are bc people's teeth?? am i going to start getting cavities just for moving here? hey can you guys start sending me bottled tap water in the mail??
-what's with all the pine trees here? where's my fall colours? there's one season that I like and bc kills it? (summer too hot, winter too cold, spring has too many bugs, fall has halloween)
-rain! well i haven't seen any yet but today is foggy and apparently the rains are coming, i have been assured.
-beef with beef. why the hell, albertans, would you feed grass to your beefs? it tastes like crap that way! back in ontario, where we don't care about the health of the beefs (they're about to die for food anyway) or the health of ourselves (meh!) we feed our cattle corn. and they taste great. grass is for bison, corn is for roast beast.
-the chicken is good here tho. i bet they eat corn.
-the canucks
-who the hell doesn't have a ML baseball team???
-wtf is up with the liquor prices????
-gas prices are nuts too. isn't there oil just north of here and just east of here? shoulnt it be cheaper than ontario gas which is shipped farther?
-can't drive on the highway without my ears popping and plugging up on every hill aka mountain

so there you go, guys. i hope this makes up for the seals and ocean kayaking and mountains and whales and skiing....so next time you get pissed when i send you a nice photo, just think "oh yah, well you're going to have cavities one day, b*tch!"


Julie G said...

Good things about BC:
- Vancouver Islands
- The Canucks are good, so shush.
- No one even cares about MLB
- Mountains
- The Pacific Ocean
- Dave the seal
- The fact that no one in BC knows people in Ontario secretly want to be them.
- Flattering dentists
- Major adventure awesome.

Bad things about BC
- You're not here.
- We're not there.

Jackie said...

Yah true, but if I admit all these things (except i still don't like the Canucks, and BLUE JAYS ARE AWESOME) (I know you like them too) then people yell at me for having too much fun here, so I gotta be all "Dude it totally sucks.." all the time even tho i send you guys photos of Dave and the ocean and mountains and stuff.