11 February 2012

Eco-terrorism in Canada

To my young Canadian friends, our rights to free speech are shrinking. If we try to protest the pipeline, we can now be CHARGED AS TERRORISTS in an act that groups us with WHITE SUPREMACY. In my head, terrorism means threatening to and actually harming or killing people in the name of a cause. Apparently, eco-extremists (or whoever the harper gov. labels as such) also plan attacks to kill people. So, my friends, we can shut our mouths and behave, or act according to our age and protest such infringements to our rights and harm being dealt the first nations territories and the environment we will inherit. But this time, WE ARE THE TERRORISTS, because harper really really wants his PIPELINE.


Tanti Tonika said...

And so the spiral spins. You ever notice that things never spiral upward?

Anonymous said...

eco-terrorism: saving the environment or putting the environment at danger?

Jackie said...

eco-terrorism is saving the environment but harming the people threatening to harm the environment. Ex. some natives in the BC area threatened to use force if necessary to keep the people building pipeline XL off "their" land. The problem is with this law in place, peaceful protesters can easily be wrongly accused, like peaceful protesters we saw getting beaten up and arrested during the occupy campouts. Only now they'll be put on terrorist lists and held for an undetermined amount of time