18 April 2012


I do a lot of odd things, so i'm gonna have random posts now with the title 'peculiarities' when i feel like mentioning them/admitting to them, etc. So Today's is all about meat.

Now one thing I love is meat. Sausage, bacon, beef, steak, poultry...bbq it, roast it, boil it, i eat it.

Maybe this stems from my love of animals, or my previous attempt at vegetarianism (which would have lasted out of the love of animals thing, but my iron levels were way too low and the pills made me constipated which sucked, and so meat won out.) but whatever the reason, i cannot mix my meats.

Some of you love your burgers with bacon, or your turducken, or whatever, but for me, one meat at a time, please.

1) This does not apply to animal bi-products. Bacon and eggs work fine, even though its piggy and chicken. Likewise, turkey sammiches with cheese and mayo. That's turkey, cow, and chicken.

2) Sometimes I can have soup and a sammich, ex. Tomato soup with a beef stock followed by a chicken sammich.

3) Pizza can also have one meat only. Pepperoni OR chicken OR bacon.

4) Don't be greedy on holidays. We had ham and duck for easter, but one at a time! Have duck now and have ham (which is easy for me to cut out, i hate it) for left-overs.

So the thing is, I guess, if I'm eating poor defensive animals then I might as well try to be somewhat civil about it. One dead animal per plate, please.

17 April 2012

Around the House

Just did some painting and had to stop again coz i need another drop cloth. wet paint on my fingers, and...i swear i was scratching my nose, not picking it!

lots of spiders waking up and they are all over the house. Daddy, you really need to clean the vacuum out so i can use it already! Suck up those buggers!

Working tomorrow, friday and saturday...still haven't won the lottery, so still don't have a weekend. sigh.

I have some laundry to do also, and start getting my stuff cleaned up and organized. I just want to be lazy!

Cuddly digestive system

You may have seen this on my facebook page but im putting it here too coz of how funny it is. Scroll down and watch the video too. priceless!!!


09 April 2012


It's funny how people who know me really well try to put up with me being moody. They shortly realize I'm not going to get any nicer and happier, and finally they get to the root of the problem: "Jackie, I think you need to eat something." not just me!



03 April 2012

Songs I Never Got as a Kid

1) "Shoo Fly." Until my youth, maybe even teenagerhood, I always wondered what a shoe fly was.

2) "Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be?" Again, until my youth, I wondered about the elusive lava-tree, and how seven old ladies managed to get stuck in it.

3) "Frere Jaques" went something like this until I learned French: "fraira jaqua, dormez vous, sonna mede tina, ding dang dong."